Players of Life Edition 126

Date 01 de May de 2017
Author Administrator
Tags Hotel Cacao, Mediterráneo, rdlp arquitectos, Arq. Rodrigo de la Peña
RDLP Arquitectos

It was founder in 1987 by architect Rodrigo de la Peña Larralde, grounding his line of work, creativity and innovation in design. rdlp arquitectos develop each project depending on the needs of the client, having an understanding of the context, and deep design exploration. Through his experience, the firm has had different achievements, for instance the silver medal at the National Biennial of Mexican Architecture, as well as honorable mentions and Calli awards at the Nuevo Leon Bienniale of Architecture for local projects. 


He studied Architecture at UDEM and later enrolled in the Master in Housing and Urbanism program at the Architectural Association in London, England. He carried out the renovation of the Michelena building, Oxxo, where he applied criteria of sustainability and flexibility, thus winning the Calli Award at the Biennial of Architecture in Nuevo Leon, marking a direction in the evolution of the office. The projects are a joint effort, sharing successes, processes and celebrations with the team.


- Institutional
- Residential
- Vertical housing
- Commercial
- Mixed uses

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Players of Life